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Client Profiles

Know your client's history when they walk in the shop

Paul Weissburg avatar
Written by Paul Weissburg
Updated over 7 months ago

How to Add and Update Client Profiles

As a business owner, it's important to keep track of your clients and their information. With our platform, you can easily add and update client profiles to ensure you have the most up-to-date information. Here's how:

Navigating to Client Profiles

You can access your Client Profiles by clicking Clients -> Client Profiles in the left-hand sidebar.

Adding a Client Profile

There are 3 ways a Client Profile gets added to your system:

  1. A new client fills out a Consent Form

  2. A new client books an Appointment

  3. A logged-in user manually adds a client profile from the Client Profiles screen

Here's how to manually add a client profile to your account:

The unique identifier for a client is the phone number, so make sure you have one phone number per client.

Updating a Client Profile

Once the client profile is added, you can easily update their information at any time.

There are 2 ways to update a client's profile:

  1. By navigating to the Client Profile and clicking Update:

Sending Consent Forms

Our platform also allows you to easily send consent forms to your clients. Here's how:

Navigate to the Client Profile and click Send Consent Form. That sends a pre-filled consent form to the client to fill out:

Send Consent Form Button:

Some considerations:

  1. If your client has never filled out that particular consent form, it will pre-fill with the client's contact information, and not answers to any of your consent form questions.

  2. If your client HAS filled out that consent form in the past (ex. for a previous tattoo appointment), it will pre-fill the consent forms questions with the answers the client provided in the past. The client is prompted to confirm and sign off that nothing has changed since their last appointment. They do have the ability to make changes if necessary.

Pro tip: On the Consent Forms, you can choose which fields you want pre-filled such as "Do you have diabetes?" vs questions you don't want pre-filled such as "When was the last time you ate?" for returning clients.

Viewing Your Client's History

In addition to managing client profiles, our platform also allows you to view your client's history. This includes completed consent forms, appointments, transactions, and documents. Here's how:

Viewing Your Client's Stats

Our platform also provides at-a-glance insights into your client's statistics/metadata. from the Client Profile, you can see their total lifetime spend, total tips, total number of appointment, their first visit, and their next/most recent appointment. See below:

With Keep The Fees platform, managing and keeping track of your clients has never been easier. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

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